From Rickie Dickie, a passionate OPMLer – pointing out that grazr makes TagJag OPML much more usable on-demand:
Here’s a TagJag / grazr mashup smart bookmarklet for Firefox (right-click and add this link to your Bookmarks). Written as a smartlet – but JUST in case you don’t know what that is, you name the bookmark keyword to something like “tags” and then in the address bar type “tags gnomedex” to browse TagJag’s OPML for that keyword in grazr. I posted HTML embedding script; check out grazr’s site for particulars.
The equiv favelet (bookmarklet) for either IE or Firefox would be something like this:
[js]javascript:d=document;wgS=window.getSelection;dgS=d.getSelection();dS=d.Selection;q=(encodeURIComponent(‘%s’)==’%2525s’?”:’%s’)+(wgS?wgS():dgS?dgS():dS?dS.createRange().text:”);if (!q)q=prompt(‘Enter tag’,”);open(‘,sans-serif&fontsize=8pt&file=http%3A//’ + q + ‘/opml’);void(‘rickdog’)[/js]
This favelet is written to work like this:
- If nothing is selected and there is no smartlet argument on the address line, you’re prompted for a keyword
- If text is selected and there is no smartlet argument, the selected text is the keyword
- If no text is selected but there is a smartlet argument, the argument is the keyword
- If both text is selected and there’s a smartlet argument, they are combined to make a single keyword (smartlet + selected text)
I must also note the new Maxthon TagJag sidebar plugin – which is still getting tweaked. Oh, and Rickie Dickie also grazjag’ed a YubNub!